We are a God-Centric community of believers whose sole purpose is to carry forward the Kingdom agenda on earth.
Excerpts from the Vision.
About Our Church

What We Represent

We are called by God to be the white blood cells in the body of Christ, fighting out any and all forms of disorder that seeks to negate God’s word and standards for His Church.

We are a colony of committed people who are undying in our pledge to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every aspect of Life and to do all that it takes to measure up to God’s Fulness and His Standards.

We seek to exchange the values of today’s world with the Standards of God’s Kingdom


Latest Messages

The Word of God is Available Every Moment to those Who Seek Him. Feel Free to Explore our Rich and Spirit-Filled Selection of Messages Divinely Curated to Draw You Closest to God


God's word is quick and powerful and able to deliver. Treat yourself to some here


God's word isn't just a sunday tonic. Treat yourself to some powerful teachings here


Prayer is a powerful tool for every believer. Treat yourself to some powerful points here

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"Any man without the Holy Spirit is a potential Satan. From such we must desist completely!"
Pastor Abayomi Agunbiade
"Our secret place is a perfect reflection of what level of trust we have in & on God."
Pastor Richard Atigogo
"Never doubt God's capacity to override your current experiences!"
Pastor Uzomma Echebiri
"The Born Again Experience Brings Forgiveness but Sanctification alone holds the key to outright removal of sin!"
Pastor Michael Ajibuwa